Friday, April 5, 2013

Electronic Medical Records

Nowadays you will find many hospitals, health professionals, and pharmacists using electronic devices to record patient’s data. But some disadvantages have been found from using electronic medical records.

One disadvantage is the cost of implementing these projects. Highly expensive equipment has to be bought to record patient’s data, which is more expensive than using paper and filing cabinets. This process also involves the time used to convert all paper charts to electronic forms. Converting to electronic record also involves additional costs from paying people to be trained to use these software’s and trainers teaching the practitioners.

Most people creating medical records are nurses and sometimes doctors, who most of the times are not familiar with technology. Trying to work with unfamiliar equipment takes away the attention and time that could be given to the patient. Also medical care can sometimes be delayed if technology is not reliable.

There are many different electronic medical record systems used by each group, which makes it difficult to transfer data from a primary care physician to a hospital or vice versa from hospital to the physician. Only when the same system is used by both groups, streamlining data could be accomplished properly.

One last disadvantage is the security of the medical records. Hackers may be able to gain access to confidential information and release it to others. This brings concerns to people on relying on technology to safely store their medical records. Would you feel comfortable using technology for medical purposes or you rather have your information shared the old way with pen and paper?



  1. My grandfather is in the hospital now and his life depends on those machines and computer systems. It's scary to think that hospitals can be too relying on the systems. His info is shared through computer systems to ease his transfer between three hospitals. I could not imagine what could happen if the system were to fail for any reason at all. I think systems make it easier for the doctors, however, because his nurse is switched every so many hours and they need to keep track of his medicine

    1. It is a very scary thought to think that if God forbid your grandfather's records are erased or lost because of a system failure. This kind of technology is good only if systems are always updated and if there is an information technologist always available. But I believe that switching to online medical record is a great idea but it must be a slow and steady process. For now they should stick to the old ways when we went to the doctor and all our information was in a big folder.
      Hope your grandfather gets better.

  2. I feel the entire medical system needs to be worked over, and electronic medical records is a good start. People should be able to easily access their own health information. Having this information available could greatly help people monitor and assess themselves, as well as know when to get help. Other health clinics would be able to easily access patient information from other hospitals, clinics, and doctors. Electronic record keeping is simply the way of the times, and the medical system needs to get on board. Personal health information needs to be on hand.

    1. I also believe that electronic medical records is a great start for the new technology, but it will take a while for these systems to be running efficiently. I also like the idea that patients could have access to view their own information.

  3. Having medical records available online can help patients being able to view their own files but like the above comment I do not believe hospitals should rely fully on systems to keep track of patients' records. Also this kind of information is not something I would want out for anyone to gain access to. I think this is the way our future is heading but needs to definitely be redefined and more secure before this becomes the primary way to view medical records.

    1. I agree with you that hospitals should not rely fully on these systems. And also believe that a lot of work has to be put on this technology before we make it our main way for medical records. It's good to know that we are thinking ahead on technology, but using pen and paper has worked for years so it shouldn't be any rush switching to electronic medical records.

  4. The information stored in EMR is not easily shared with providers outside of a practice. A patient’s record might even have to be printed out and delivered by mail to specialists and other members of the care team. Good innovation

    1. It is a great innovation but still a long way to go for it to be running perfectly. We tend to want to be ahead of everyone else, but sometimes big mistakes can hold us back.

  5. I think that the ability to store our medical records in a database is an overall good thing. Yes there are some disadvantages, but I think that the ability to sync our information will make medical trips easier. Also, if an accident happens and you are not able to give them some information, this could be a good way to solve that.

    Zach Radmanesh

    1. I also believe that besides the disadvantages, online medical records is a great idea. It makes life easier and saves a lot time. But there is still a lot of work to do to improve this technology. A lot of people are more concerned about their health and others, and some people's lives depend on how well these systems work. But for now it is a great way to start a new future.
